Professional compositions for glass art frosting

With our material anyone can become a professional designer without the experience and art education.
Guaranteed 100% successful.
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IMPORTANT! To send an order as soon as possible, in the order
form do not forget to specify the postal code, delivery address
and full name of the recipient, as well as a mobile phone
to confirm the order (required).
If you do not receive an automatic response within 1 minute,
then there is a problem on the server. In this case, duplicate
the order from your mail to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
You can ask the technologist questions by phone:
Sending is carried out from a warehouse from Sacramento (USA) or from Ivanovo (Russia).
After receiving the application with full details, you will be sent
a letter with the order number, with information about your order
and invoice for payment. Payment method: Western Union Transfer.
For foreign addresses in Latin, please sign
the name of the subject (sample below)
Postal Code-----------
State (Province, District) --------
City ----------
Street ---------
House --------
Apartment -------
Full name of the recipient ----------

Together with the order, detailed instructions for the application
and technology of matting are sent in paper and electronic form.
Important! Without a video about opening a parcel, claims on
the quality of the parcel and the quantity of the goods will not be
accepted! The video should be high-quality and not interrupted.
Delivery is carried out by Russian postal and transport companies.
Shipping cost is calculated after order
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